Intelligent Field Operations Technology Delivers Cost Reductions For E&P Operator

1 min read
May 19, 2023

An independent exploration and production (E&P) company with operations in three major producing basins faced the challenge of reducing Lease Operating Expense (LOE) and improving the efficiency of both field and financial workflows. To reduce costs for multiple service types, improve the efficiency of financial workflows, and increase the accuracy of field tickets, the operator adopted the Engage Mobilize intelligent field operations software platform, including E-Ticketing and E-Invoicing. Engage Mobilize worked with the operator’s key staff from operations, accounting, and IT, to develop an implementation plan that identified the critical oilfield service types used in each business unit, rolled out E-Ticketing to service companies and business unit operations staff, and integrated the Engage Mobilize E-Invoicing solution to provide a seamless flow of validated electronic field ticket information from E-Ticketing into the operator’s accounting system.

The solution helped increase efficiency and productivity in all three business units. Operations center personnel could create orders and send them to the OFS companies of their choice electronically. The solution provided both service providers and the operator visibility into field operations, improving safety and productivity. Greater visibility into Vac Truck operations helped identify opportunities for route optimization and better timing of loads. The Engage Mobilize solution facilitated productivity improvements benefiting both the operator and service companies, resulting in 25% average reductions in critical service costs in multiple business units, strengthened cash flow, and improved ESG performance and safety profile.

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